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Evergreen_Needle: About human nature - ВІРШ
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About human nature

Why is it that humans gravitate towards self-destruction so much? And I'm not talking about how we're going about destroying our one and only planet right now (though we're super successful in this too), but about the festering drive inside each individual to choose something that isn’t good for them. It requires titanic willpower to eat a healthy diet, but it goes without a tiny bit of effort to buy a KFC meal. Not only that, sometimes you'll go out of your way to get that meal, though you didn't lift a finger, or should I say the blender lid, to make yourself a smoothie. Is it the universal law that commands the system to reach the highest level of entropy or is it elemental laziness that we developed to conserve energy to fight tigers (I don't see any from my window here, do you?)

We are the complex systems, like huge bubbles that somehow managed to isolate themselves from the physical world around us, that work really hard to maintain that integrity against the natural laws of physics. Do you know how many calories you burn each day to just preserve the temperature inside your body that is different from the outside? You can drink a glass of water with ice to boost your metabolism by 10-15% for 20 min just because your body tries to warm the insides of your stomach. When we die, the chaos of the universe, that being the entropy, pulls our bodies apart cell by cell, atom by atom until it reaches the blessed state of dust. In perfect thermodynamic equilibrium with the surrounding dirt, obeying the inevitable arrow of time. Our life is a constant struggle of that bubble of the space, that found the power to isolate itself, to stay apart from the rest, to protect that space that we call "us" and even to make more bubbles that have the same soap pattern on the surface as we do.

ID:  924297
ТИП: Проза
ВИД ТВОРУ: Послання
ТЕМАТИКА: Філософська лірика
дата надходження: 06.09.2021 23:52:44
© дата внесення змiн: 06.09.2021 23:52:44
автор: Evergreen_Needle

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